The best blade to convert the hydrokinetic energy from river stream and tide currents

The currents have the depth and the breadth as following :
The method to convert the natural hydrokinetic energy in the world as following :
The weakness of present method at 2 points :
1- It is used by only a part of natural hydrokinetic energy. That is a part of water moving cross the section of the blades.
2-The weight of blade causes the negative moment against the turning of blade.
Blade as the turning drums from Eng.D.M.Dung as following :
1-Blade as a cylinder turning around its axis.
2- Apart of cylinder is empty in order to let the blade to float in the water.
Advantage of the method: The method can integrates the natural hydrokinetic energy along the depth as well as the breadth.
How to make an experiment
1- You can use the front wheel of the bicycle .
2- Making the wall for integrating natural hydrokinetic energy along the depth as well as the breadth.
3- An water pump
4- One suitable rotor và stator
5- Signed lamp
The experiment with water pump from the front
Experiment with the water pump from the top
The experiment at Ho Chi Minh city
1-There is the tide at the coast of Ho Chi Minh City with 1 time per day and at 4.5 m height .
2- The frame for bearing the direction of natural current is B 3.2m , H 3.8m, L 5.84 m
There are 2 floors for frame for bearing the direction of natural current :
– The bottom floor is a floating buoy being up and down along 4 stakes set in the ground.
The dry floor connecting at 4 stakes , fixed with Rotor ,Startor, gear , station for operating and roof.
3- Turning drum with 3 module. Each module : R 1.1m, H 1.2m.
Total of depth receiving the kinetic energy is 3.6 m
4- The out put of blue generation is belong to the velocity of the water current.
Turning drum integrates hydrokinetic energy along the depth
The walls for integrating natural hydrokinetic energy along the depth as well as the breadth.
Moving of the water and the Blue Energy as Eng. Doan Manh Dung
Composition of turning drum
The walls for integrating natural hydrokinetic energy
Joint for connecting between modules in vertical axis
Blue energy generation by the sea current at central part of Vietnam in the future
This is the new development for using the hydrokinetic energy from natural currents with best effect and economic.
Technology is simple and can be used at the poor countries.
The impact of method to the environment is at lest.
We would like to find the partner to develop this project.
The copyright of this project is reserved.
Eng. Doãn Mạnh Dũng